NPM Package


React Calednar Value

Made for and using Reactjs

React Calendar Value is a versatile and customizable calendar component for managing date selections and values in React applications.
Tech Stack Used

Basic Projects


Image Editor

Image Editor

(A Simple Image Editor mad ewith html,css and js)

Hey!! This is the simple application . Where we Edit any image by aplying filters and Flips on it.It;s very simple to use . I've Learned and Implemented this game from CodingNepal(youtube channel)
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Tech Stack Used


Memory game with 4x4 Grid

Memory game with 4x4 Grid

(It is Made Using Simple html,css and Advance js)

In this game applictaion , You can play a simple game for your timepass and wrilax your mind for some sort of time. Here You need to choose two same pair of images.. when you will choose correct 8 oairs you will win.Otherwise you will choose again. I've Learned and Implemented this game from CodingNepal(youtube channel)
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Tech Stack Used


Youtube Content Downloader

Youtube Content Downloader

(An application made using Reactjs and Nodejs)

It's a Simple to use Application where user can simply paste the link of the Youtube Video/Shorts and can download that content in their local system
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Tech Stack Used


Words and Character Counter

Words and Character Counter

(It is Made Using html, Css and Js)

Its a web based application where user can count the Number of Characters and Number of Words Entered by user.
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Tech Stack Used


Random Color Generator

Random Color Generator

(A application made using Html, Css and Js)

Its a web based application made Specially for Developers.. If They want to use any Random Color for their Development Purpose ...then they are just a Click Away to Achieve That
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Tech Stack Used


File Downloader

File Downloader

(It is Made Using html, Css and Js)

It's a simple file downloader tool which a user can use to download files both online and offline Most of te files like : Pdf , img , mp4 can be downoaded from this tool along with some other extensions of files as well!.
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Tech Stack Used


Task Recorder Web Application

Task Recorder Web Application

(A application made using ssimple html, css and js)

In this application, we can add our daily tasks that we need to do on daily basis. it has features of remove task as well as Task completion will also record the number of tass you have Completed till now.
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Tech Stack Used


Basic Counter


(A application made using simple Reactjs)

An Basic Counter Application made using Reactjs
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Tech Stack Used


Apis Data Fetching App

Meals Api Caller

(A application made using simple Reactjs)

A simple React application that uses Axios to fetch seafood recipes from "The Meal DB" API and displays them in a clean user interface.
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Basic Calculator

(A application made using simple Reactjs)

A simple calculator application built using React.js. This calculator allows users to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
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Intermediate Projects


My First Website with React

My First Website with React

(It is Made Using Reactjs)

Hey!! I've made my first Reactjs Website , it Can be used as a template to crate a webiste for any company.(i learnd it from ThapaTechnical Youtube Channel). It can be used as a Template for Making any Company's Website as FrontEnd
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Tech Stack Used


ToDo List Managmement Application with React

ToDo List Managmement Application with React

(It is Made Using Reactjs)

In this application, we can add our daily tasks that we need to do on daily basis. it has features of remove task one by one or remove all tasks at once.I've learned and made this application from Thapa Technical(youtube channel)
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Tech Stack Used


My First Website React+Firebase

My First Website with React and Firebase

(It is Made Using Reactjs and Firebase)

Hey!! I've made my first Reactjs & Firebase Website , it Can be used as a template to crate a webiste for any company.(i learnd it from ThapaTechnical Youtube Channel). It can be used as a Template for Making any Company's Website as FrontEnd + backend as firebase realtime database
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Tech Stack Used


Song Finder (Android apk)

Song Finder (Android apk)

(It is Made Using Android Studio with Java)

Its an android application . Which we can use to find any song file present in our android device. No matter in which folder your songs will be located it fill fetch it. It also has a music player in it.
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Tech Stack Used


Basic Course Selling Education App ( React-Native )

Basic Course Selling App

(Just a basic and my first app made using react native , Made with EXPO-CLI )

Just a basic course selling template app . which we can use for major app developemnt in react native for Educational Course Selling apps.
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Tech Stack Used


Basic Todo App ( React-Native )

Basic Todo List App

(Just a basic app made using react native , Made with EXPO-CLI)

Just a basic Todo List app with authenctication feature . Mongodb as dataabase
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Tech Stack Used


Simple Chat Application with Reactjs + Nodejs

Simple Chat Application

(It is Made Using Reactjs + Nodejs)

Hey,, this time it's MY FIRST CHAT APPLICATION Which i made for my understanding of Concept that >> How Chat between two users happens? I've learned and implemented along with nodejs and Reactjs "Im not hosting it live because I'll make a grand Chatting application in end of this month,, i'll host that"
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Tech Stack Used


IMDB Clone

IMDB Clone

(It is Made Using Reactjs)

Hey, this time i created imdb-clone with react which uses api to fetch data . Here You will get the data of Top 20 , POPULAR , TOP_RATED and UPCOMING . You can get the movie details by clicking on any particular movie.
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Tech Stack Used


My First Nextjs Website

NextJs Website

(It is Made Using Nextjs)

Hey, after learning Nextjs recently . I've cretaed this basic full stack website using Nextjs . it is using Mongodb as backend to store the contact related data entered by user
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Tech Stack Used


Drawing Canvas

Basic Drawing Canvas

(It is Made Using Nextjs)

Hey , After learning Some advance things in nextjs . with the help of tutorials and nearning nextjs i've created this drawing canvas where we can use basic fucntionality to draw along with download option.
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Tech Stack Used


Ecommerce Sidebar Filter

E-commerce Basic Filtering

(It is Made Using Reactjs)

An Sidebar filtering ui with baisc multi filter functionality for a e-commerce website
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Tech Stack Used


Firebase Chat App

Firebase Chat App

(It is Made Using Reactjs and Firebase)

This app is a chat application where you and your friends can chat by a simple registartion and login process . You can chat with anyone in th world if he/she registered here
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Tech Stack Used


Social Media App

Spcial Media App

(It is Made Using Reactjs)

It is a basic social media app through which we can practice how a basic artitecture of a social media app works . It contains create post and like post feature to test how things work around.
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Tech Stack Used


Blog Application

Blog Aapplication

(Blog Application Made Using MERN Stack)

This is the simple application . Where we can write any kind of blogs. which will be available Publicly . with login , register and forgot password functionality . we like like, comment also.
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Tech Stack Used

CRUD (Create, Read , Update and Delete) Applications


CRUD Application

CRUD Application

(An CRUD application made using Nodejs , Reactjs and MySql Database)

Hey!! This is the simple application . Where we can Add, Delete ,Update and View User's Data with the help of simple Gui. .
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Tech Stack Used


Laravel Crud Application

Laravel Crud Application

(Employee Management System using Laravel)

This is the simple application . Where we can manage the Employees information Easily with the help of simple Gui. we can add, delete , update and view Employees record.
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Tech Stack Used


React+Laravel Crud

React+Laravel Crud Aplication

(User Management System using Laravel and React)

Made this crud application with react as frontend and laravel as backend .During making this application learned alott about these boht framework's unique kind of communication, to Run this application in your system : (No need to install any database)
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Tech Stack Used


Laravel Ajax Application

Laravel Ajax Application

(Product Management using Laravel)

This is the simple application . Where we can manage the Products information Easily with the help of simple Gui. we can add, delete , update and view Product's Data.
Source Code
Tech Stack Used


Student Management System

Student Management System

(SMS Made Using Nodejs and MySql Database)

This is the simple application . Where we can manage the students information Easily with the help of simple Gui. we can add, delete , update and view students record.
Source Code
Tech Stack Used

Major Projects


Dairy Products Shopping Project

Dairy Products Shopping Project

(A Shopping website made with Php)

This web application project , I made during my 6th semester . It haa Panels like admin panel and userpanel . It's Having all the main features of online shopping websites like.. Just run it at your Machine. hope you'll like it.
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Tech Stack Used




(My portflio made with html,css and js)

Like i think every developer should have a portfolio/devfolio . so, i also have one of it. Here i can post blogs and update my worksamples.Will update and add more functionality into it Time to Time.
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Tech Stack Used


Food Delievery Web Application

Food Delievery Web Application

(Food Delievery Application made with Reactjs, Nodejs and Mysql)

I’ve made this application during my 6 Month Industrial training . It Consist of Panels
1. Admin Panel
2. Delievery Rider Panel
3. Restaurant Panel
4. Client Panel
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Tech Stack Used


Ecommerce with MERN Stack

Ecommerce with MERN Stack

(Ecommerce Application made with MERN Stack)

This is a MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack E-commerce application with features like product listing, product details, cart functionality, user authentication, and payment processing. This project provides both normal user and admin modes, offering a wide range of features to enhance the shopping experience
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Tech Stack Used

5 clone with MERN Stack

Hotel Booking with MERN Stack

(Hotel Booking Application made with MERN Stack)

An Hotel Booking app built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack and Tailwind-css for the user interface. This project provides both normal user and vendor modes, offering a wide range of features to enhance the hotel booking experience
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Tech Stack Used